Links to further information
Please find below links to news, events and further information in the motorcycling world.
Motorcycling Qld (MQ)
Motorcycling Queensland (MQ), affiliated with the national body of Motorcycling Australia, is the controlling body for motorcycling sport and recreation in Queensland. MQ currently has in excess of 7,000 licence holders, over 300 venues and nearly 100 affiliated clubs.
Established in 1924, MQ issues competitive and recreational licences which allow riders to compete or participate in recreational motorcycling events. MQ also has almost 100 affiliated clubs and provides permits to these clubs to conduct events.
Motorcycling Australia
Motorcycling Australia (MA) is the governing body of motorcycle sport in Australia. Our core business is to develop and apply the rules and regulations of the sport and represent our 25,000+ members Australia-wide. We are also responsible for all Australian Championships and Series’.

Our friend Kyle has been researching all types of motorcycles for his projects. Here is one of his favorite sources of inspiration. Thanks for sharing this with us Kyle. Enjoy working on your model and keep being passionate about motorcycles!